Many of my canine clients are older dogs. Seniors who have developed structural problems. They may be recuperating from surgeries or...
When Is It Time to Call a Professional Dog Massage Therapist?
Holding workshops for dogs and their people, recognizing when dog moms and dads 'get it' with techniques I've shown them, is priceless. ...
Keeping Your Dog Safe This Spring ~ Plants, Weeds, and Seeds Can Be Harmful.
It is good to know the names of and be able to recognize house and outdoor plants and gardening supplies to be sure they are not harmful...
Merry Christmas! Transition time is here...
I've been pondering this transition here for quite some time. This morning - Christmas morning - I was up earlier than usual. There are...
Who Is Your Ideal Dog Walker?
You have a shift change at work and you will need someone you really trust to walk your dogs. What do you do? Who do you look for? WHAT...